Monday, October 31, 2011

Week2 Lab1: Blocks Modeling

This lab session started out with us learning to use the bevel tool & such.
No difficulty there. It was easy with the step by step video instructions.
Here's my first completed block.

The next block i had to create was a triangular one.
Fairly easy. Just had to split it in half.

Then following the given instructions, I turned the rectangle into a triangle block.

This part was easy too, now that i have better knowledge of the basic controls & tools in Maya.
& apparently, i didn't bother using the align tool since the result is the same when i can change the axis values.

After creating the hole in the block, i proceeded to bevel the edges.
I took a little more time selecting those edges though, because i kept selecting other edges that were not needed. & apparently, i release the Shift key by accident then had to reselect everything again.

Here's the 2 simple blocks that i finished forming. :D

Next we had to create another polygon cube.
This was easy after learning how to do it making the first block.

This was fairly simple as well. Just that i accidentally selected the entire cylinder at first: BEVEL FAIL. The edges were not even smooth. But then i corrected my error.

& here's all the finished blocks!

After learning about how to create toy blocks in Ex1, it was much easier to form the toy train. It took a while at some point, but overall, i feel that this was pretty easy.
So first i started by creating the base of the the train's cart.

Then i duplicated the first block i created, then resized it to fit into the center of the first block.
As shown in the image below.

Moving on, i created the a cube that was to be placed in the cart.

Duplicated & moved them into place.

Then i created the wheel, using a cylinder & the bevel tool.
Duplicated the cylinder thrice, to create the remaining wheels & moved them into place.

I proceeded to create the front engine of the train by first making a new rectangle block.
Then duplicated the wheels from the previous cart & simply moved them into place.

After that, i created another 2 blocks.
One of them seemed like there was no need for the bevel tool though.
The other had to be split into sections so i could edit it's individual vertices.
& i found this quite simple after learning this in the previous exercise/videos.
This definitely took a while because i kept moving the wrong vertices.

So with the basic shape of the engine done.
I continued by creating the windows.
(I'm not sure if i am supposed to actually let the cylinders go all the way through the cube though)

I then moved on to creating the roof of the engine cabin by creating a rectangular block & splitting up into sections, again, to edit the individual vertices.

Now, with the main bodies of the train done.
I moved on to making the chain that connects the two separate bodies of the train.
(i actually didn't realise the chain until i zoomed in the image given)

This part of was little less easy because I had to move & rotate the individual torus polygons to form the chain. Had to zoom in for a little more precision.

After adding the cone, here's the finished toy train!
Some parts don't exactly have smooth edges though.

But i tried adding colour.
Though am still not sure how to add proper textures yet.

Reflection - Overall, for this week's lab exercises, I think that it was fairly easy.
Up till now, I found 3D modelling fun & interesting.
The lab exercises given were easy. Especially with instructions/step-by-step video tutorials. They were easy to follow.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Week1 Lab2: Primitive Robot

I started off creating the head of the robot.
Then added the eyes, & i had trouble at first.
So i actually took a while to adjust the eyes into place.

As i moved on from the head, i was sort of familiar with some of the controls.
So forming the torso was easier. Just a simple cube & a helix.
However, the shoulder joints & arms itself took me a while. Because the rotation tool was a little difficult to use at first & the arms always seem to be a little out of place after adjusting them several times.

Now, moving on to the lower part of the robot.
Again, the legs & joints took a while to adjust into place but it was much easier after time.

So now here's the feet of the robot. This was easier to form.

& I finally finished FORMING this.

I feel like i've accomplished SOMETHING at least.

So now, here's the modified version of my robot.

I chose to go along with the character idea for Primmy.
So after Primmy circuit board was modified & the robot went into a "Protect&Survive" mode, i gave it sort of a weapon. As well as enlarging one of its hands & feet to give it more stability.
Also i made changes to its head & torso, replacing both polygons with a cylinder.
Instead of two eyes, i modified Primmy to have a single lens for eyes.

This is just a simple model of the robot since im still learning the controls & features of the application.
For it's new name, i'm naming it P01, which stands for Prototype 01.
I'm just going to let it be a mindless drone, programmed to to only what was being told. Depending how it's circuits were wired. It used to be able to think for itself but it's memories were totally wiped out after being rewired to only "protect & survive".
Here's a rough sketch of a companion robot for P01.
It will serve as P01's "mechanic" & doesn't have much defensive features.

Somehow while sketching, i thought of R2 from Star Wars.

So...It took me a while to get everything in place though.
Tried the Soft Modification tool for a bit & totally disfigured the legs at first.


Reflection - Okay, for this exercise... i actually had some difficulty at first since it's my first time using this software. Even though i have used Google Sketch before. This is like, different.
Initially i was having trouble with the controls, but after 2 hours, I FINALLY DONE THIS. It took me a while to get used to the interface though it proved to be an enjoyable exercise.

Week1 Lab1: Primitive breakdown & form

Here's my sketch of one of the robot images.

Reflection - This exercise allowed me to see more closely, what kinds of basic primitive shapes form an object, such as this toy robot. As this was just the first lesson, we have yet to start on Maya. But through this exercise, it helped me better understand that it is essential to know what primitive shapes to use to be able to form different objects. I feel that my sketches are still pretty messy. Even i, myself, am not exactly sure what i was doing.


Prisons, meant to be scary & powerful looking places,has its image that is reflected in the straight lines & sharp angles of the structure of the building. The prison is structured in such a way that it has a very fixed shape. It gives the feeling that it is a strong building & is unbreakable. As for the scale, the prison is built on wide open land. It's very empty & boring, yet somewhat threatening because of its size.

Whereas compared to Toontown, where most of the buildings have curved lines & has walls that are not exactly straight. To sort of present the place in a fun way & is not harmful or scary in any way. There are no exact shapes.
Shapes that one can make out from the image of the buildings in Toontown have more rounded edges & has pillars that look almost like they've been inflated. Which adds to the safe & fun image of Toontown.

Reflection - This exercise proved to be somewhat interesting as i learnt about the different forms & how they affect one's views of a place. However, it was a little difficult to answer the questions posed since i never thought about such things.