Thursday, February 23, 2012

Project2: Self-critic

For this project, i am actually not that satisfied with the end results.
My animation could have been better - adding squash & stretch to the boxes as well. But instead, i pretty much did a poor job of applying squash & stretch to the ball.
I could have done better with the flow of the animations. My robot seems to jerk at some points. Some were accidental, but most i set on purpose.
For instance, when the ball first appears, the robot jerks back a little to express shock(?). As well as the moment where the robot realises it didn't hit the ball (when the ball makes its second appearance).
Towards the end, i animated the robot in such a way that it seems like it's questioning/demanding answers from the ball. (This part is pretty fast, bad keyframing).
Also, the part where the ball decides to ruin the robot's work, it knocks the boxes tooo quickly.
Overall, the animation was kind of ...not up to my own expectations. Some parts were pretty smooth, some parts...the timing was pretty off.
The ball didn't move properly as it rotated & bounced.
The boxes...oh god, they didn't even "fly" off properly upon being hit by the crazy ball. (I was probably too lazy to keyframe those properly)I simply made them fly out of the camera view, so i wouldn't have to add more keyframes. (Because i have a bad sense of timing)...Sigh.
I feel i could have definitely did better at the small details in the animation sequence if i wasn't so distracted by...umm, well, other stuff.
So here are just a few screenshots i took. Omg at the number of keyframes, but im sure everyone else experienced the same thing.

And here's the playblast.

Watching the playblast, i found even more bad animation in my work.
The last red box my robot stacked seems to sort of slide into place as it is being stacked. Completely unnatural & weird.
Oh, and i admit i tried to hide the bad rotation of the ball by applying such a ramp texture. Though it doesn't seem so bad here...BUT, i think i forgot to reposition the ball after adding squash & stretch. Oh no. -_-

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