Thursday, November 10, 2011

Week3 Lab2: Track & Washboard Modelling

Track Modelling:
Started off tracing the image given to form the shape of the track.

Then extruded it by directly entering the specified value into the X translate field.

This part, the instruction is a little confusing. But managed to find the right edge with help.

Here's the 2 tracks with colour added.

Washboard Modelling:

Both exercises were fairly easy to complete. Getting the hang of using Maya now.
Though instructions in the pdf files are sometimes still NOT very clear, the exercise is still manageable. Finished this early in class today.
& actually noticed the XYZ translate thingy today, in the top right corner.
Now it'll be much easier to scale objects & stuff.
I also realised, that the instructions don't exactly tell you if the image (on the polygon plane) has to be rotated or anything. So sometimes after tracing an image, we realise it is still flat on the grid & have to rotate to use any other tools on it much later in the exercise. ._.

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